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Royce Fitts

Events & Interviews

Access past interviews and see upcoming events as author Dr. Royce Fitts shares his new book, The Geography of the Soul. Please reach out to Royce for speaking engagements, conferences, keynotes, retreats, or any similar event!

The Geography of the Soul Book Cover & Ebook

Special Interview

How do you ‘stravage,’ and where can you do it in Colorado?

By , Colorado Public Radio When is a walk not just a walk? For Dr. Royce Fitts, walking became a way to open his mind and explore his deepest thoughts and feelings. And that meant the physical task of walking wasn’t the sole purpose…
Colorado Matters with Colorado Public Radio interviewed Royce Fitts, The Geography of the Soul

All Interviews

Soulganize The Anxious Will to Survive

Listen in to my interview with Dr. Royce Fitts, a licensed psychotherapist, holistic counselor and dreamworker. As a hospital chaplain and military counselor he has learned to be nonjudgmental in the face of another’s crisis and desire to survive. Find out more about Dr. Fitts at www.roycefitts.com.

The Geography of the Soul: Dr. Royce Fitts on Healing, Dreams & Personal Change

Can embracing our authentic selves catalyze global healing and positive change?

Dr. Royce Fitts, holistic counselor and author of “The Geography of the Soul,” believes it is not only possible but a profound responsibility we all share.

Colorado Matters with Colorado Public Radio interviewed Royce Fitts, The Geography of the Soul

How do you ‘stravage,’ and where can you do it in Colorado?

Colorado Public Radio

When is a walk not just a walk? For Dr. Royce Fitts, walking became a way to open his mind and explore his deepest thoughts and feelings. And that meant the physical task of walking wasn’t the sole purpose…

Geography of the Soul with Dr. Royce Fitts

On the show, I interview my dreamy friend, Dr. Royce Fitts, author of The Geography of the Soul. We talk about dreams and his “stravage” across the elegant English countryside following along the “oldest road in England and Europe.”

Dr. Royce Fitts is passionate about working in the areas of spiritual, psychological, and emotional health. 

The Geography of The Soul with Dr. Royce Fitts

Dr Dave created one of the first, if not THE first, of all psychologically-related podcasts in the world (back in 2003)! His podcast is open-hearted, rooted in professional passion to advance the healing arts for professionals and laypeople throughout the world. Join me and Dr Dave as we explore my new book, The Geography of the Soul.

A Sacred Detour to Iona, A Story by Royce Fitts

Iona. This island in the Scottish Hebrides is only three miles long, but it’s home to millennia of spiritual, cultural, and natural magic. This story is an excerpt from the new spiritual memoir by Royce Fitts’s, The Geography of the Soul. Royce invites us to meet the wild divine feminine energies that are embodied on this sacred land.

Spiritual Journeying with Royce Fitts

Podcast released! Sometimes we have to wander the world to find out what lies in our own soul. Katherine Bell of #TheDreamJournal speaks to Dr Royce Fitts, LMFT, about his own journey from being a conservative Nebraska preacher to becoming a spiritual counselor, a practitioner of dreamwork, and an adherent of process theology.

Royce Fitts - How Dreams Shape Our Reality and Soul

Imagine what can happen when we combine both daytime and nighttime dreams into our existence? My guest, Spiritual Counselor and Dreamworker Dr. Royce Fitts, had the chance to do this when he embarked on a journey of self-discovery by walking the Ridgeway Trail in England. He captured what he learned about himself in his book The Geography of Soul. On this episode he shares his insights which can help anyone seeking a journey of personal transformation.

An Invitation to Stravage - With Dr. Royce Fitts

This week I am joined by my new friend Dr. Royce Fitts to discuss his new book, “The Geography of the Soul: Dreams, Reality, and the Journey of a Life Time.”. Royce shares his own spiritual journey, his own stravage, and invites us to join him. Enjoy!

"Geography of the Soul" by Dr. Royce Fitts, Book Interview

Healing Dreams Project dives into the “Geography of the Soul” by Dr. Royce Fitts. Listen to this in depth book interview with Producer, Viviana Guzman.

Book Launch Recording

If you missed my official book launch, you can catch the video recording here. I appreciate everybody who took the time to be there and your kind thoughts and feelings regarding my book. If you are interested, please consider buying a copy and leaving a review on Amazon!

Upcoming Events

Shrink Rap Radio Podcast interviews Royce Fitts book The Geography of the Soul

Shrink Rap Radio

I will be interviewing with Dr. David Van Nuys of Shrink Rap Radio on November 27. Episode launch is TBD. Dr Dave created one of the first, if not THE first, of all psychologically-related podcasts in the world (back in 2003)! His podcast is open-hearted, rooted in professional passion to advance the healing arts for professionals and laypeople throughout the world.

Holistic, Spiritual Counselor &
Dream Work