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of the


What if you took a hike, a saunter, a stravage across an ancient land and it changed your life, forever? Journey with Royce Fitts as he walks the oldest road in Europe and contemplates the greatest questions of our time…

The Geography of the Soul Book Cover & Ebook

Book Launch Recording

If you missed the official book launch, you can catch the video recording here. I appreciate everybody who took the time to be there and your kind thoughts and feelings regarding my book. If you are interested, please consider buying a copy and leaving a review on Amazon!

Dr. Royce Fitts portrait lakeside

Author Royce Fitts

Writer, Counselor, Healer

The Geography of the Soul: Dreams, Reality and the Journey of a Lifetime blends memoir, political and social consciousness, and spiritual wisdom and takes you to a hidden gem in the midst of the English countryside: the Ridgeway National Trail.

The author, Royce Fitts, is a licensed marriage and family therapist and certified dream worker, with a doctorate in ministry. His book explores relationships between physical and spiritual landscapes, personal and collective histories, and night-time dreams and how they weave together to reveal and heal the wounds of our lifetime.

Ridgeway Trail Sign, Royce Fitts, United Kingdom

Where Will You Go?

What you will experience

The reader becomes Royce’s companion as he walks the oldest road in Europe and contemplates the greatest questions of our time: from environmental degradation and exploitative capitalism, to legacies of war and racism, to marriage and the aging process. Sharing a lifetime of experience, he devotes chapters to his own ambivalence about the Vietnam War in his youth and his current calling as a specialized mental health counselor with the US military.

Also key to the narrative: his early years on a Nebraska farm and deep affiliation with a small, fundamentalist Christian faith that led to his becoming a pastor, and eventually leaving that faith group to become a marriage and family therapist and a dream worker in private practice. This painful yet rich lived experience offers profound opportunities to consider the nature of religion and spirituality, and our quest for healing and meaning in life. 

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Praise for Geography of the Soul

What readers have to say

Dr. Dave, Shrink Rap Radio
Dr. Dave, Shrink Rap Radio
David Van Nuys, ShrinkRapRadio Podcast, Ph.D., Emeritus Professor of Psychology at Sonoma State University
"I'm going to urge you to purchase this book. His book is a wonderful gift to yourself, but also for anyone else who's engaged in the life and journey of the soul and/or who has an interest in the meaning of their dreams. I think there's a good chance that you and they will treasure this volume. One of the gifts that Royce has given us is the Scottish word, stravage, which refers to a saunter with no particular goal... What thinking person among us has never been tempted to just walk away from it all, to escape from whatever habit formed rut we find ourselves in? That could be a scary impulse, and may in fact be an unwise one. There are no guarantees. I can certainly understand the impulse, and there have been times in my own life where I have been foolish and others where wisdom has prevailed. Royce felt called to walk away… This may be a stumbling block for some readers. Others, such as myself, may see it as evidence of his commitment to a deep integrity… I admire him for his courage to share his most human journey with us. Uncertainties, anxieties, fears, joys, ecstatic highs, warts and all. There is so much wisdom in the telling and the living of this extraordinary tale."
Kelly Sullivan Walden
Kelly Sullivan Walden
Dream Expert, Media Personality, & International Bestselling Author of 'A Crisis Is A Terrible Thing to Waste'
"An extraordinary read! Geography of the Soul, by Doctor Royce Fitts, is arduous and gentle, challenging and provocative as he takes the reader on a true pilgrimage across the Ridgeway Trail in England, 100 miles on foot. It's deeply personal, confessional, and yet accidentally spiritual. I predict, just like Cheryl Strayed’s Wild, sent record numbers of people out of their comfort zones to walk the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT), people will soon be out in droves to the Ridgeway Trail to walk in Royce’s adventurous footsteps. As a woman, I wondered if I’d be able to relate to Royce’s story. I’m surprised and delighted to report that I not only related but felt he was peering into my soul as he was revealing his. Geography of the Soul turns out to be a book for anyone with a soul and a dream, and the willingness to find magic in unexpected places."
Viviana Guzman
Viviana Guzman
GRAMMY Nominated album artist, TEDx speaker, internationally performing flutist, faculty member, University of California, Santa Cruz
"Run! Don't walk to get your copy! In this compelling memoir, Dr. Royce Fitts has crafted a literary masterpiece that will resonate with readers across the globe. Dr. Fitts' writing is infused with a rare blend of poetic elegance and raw authenticity, inviting readers to accompany them on an intimate voyage along the ancient Ridgeway National Trail. The book's ability to simultaneously touch our hearts, stimulate our minds, and nourish our souls is a testament to the author's endearing spirit and profound understanding of the human condition. It is a transformative journey of healing, revelation, and self-discovery that will remain etched in my heart for a lifetime. I cannot recommend this book enough; it is truly a gift to the literary world and anyone seeking inspiration and enlightenment."
Dr. Patti Ashley
Dr. Patti Ashley
Psychotherapist, TEDx speaker, author of 'Shame-Informed Therapy: Treatment Strategies to Overcome Shame and Reconstruct the Authentic Self'
“Royce takes you on a non-linear journey into the inner and outer landscapes of his life. His stravage, as he describes it—‘…engaging in a defiant walk, a decision to stray without limits…’—invites you to see beyond your conceived notions and beliefs and stretch into limitlessness, flow, and mystery—a journey that many of us are afraid to take. Royce guides you in ways you may have never encountered before, sharing waking and sleeping dreams, and ultimately, if you are willing, helping you find your authentic truth.”
Kathleen Webster O’Malley
Kathleen Webster O’Malley
Author of 'The Healing Wisdom of Dreams'
“Infused with healing wisdom and profound experiences, The Geography of the Soul reminds us of the seamless conversation between our inner and outer landscapes. Royce Fitts transports us to stunning terrains, provides helpful in-sights for times when we feel lost and hopeless, and encourages us to venture onto trails we might ordinarily overlook. He shows us how we can become more whole.”
Rev. Dr. Mary A. Frohs
Rev. Dr. Mary A. Frohs
Pastor in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Pastoral Counselor
“Royce Fitts is the perfect guide to shepherd us on a journey into self-discovery, healing, and wholeness. Throughout Geography of the Soul, with elegance and vulnerability, he weaves his life experiences together with world history, geography, spirituality, politics, psychology, and DreamWork into a beautiful tapestry of self-authenticity.”
Sharyn Campbell
Sharyn Campbell
Death Doula and Dream Worker
“As one who strives to appreciate synchronicities and intuition, I treasure (and plan to adopt) the author’s expression of ‘synchronistic intuitions.’ I appreciate how well he interweaves stories about the Nebraska prairie, the English terrain, projective dreamwork, counseling, and his own life experiences.”

Episode Highlight

Royce Fitts Book Interview
"Geography of the Soul"

Viviana Interviews Dr. Royce Fitts about his new book release, “Geography of the Soul” – available now on Amazon and wherever books are sold!

A word sometimes expresses a deep inner calling and dares to reach further than the dictionary definition would ever allow. John Muir’s saunter compels us to go deep and reclaim our awareness that we exist within nature, not simply traversing across it.

My own word, stravage, was gifted to me by a wounded, sometimes deceiving, yet wise and endearing individual. Then, as now, this new word invited me out of my rigid box of convention and revealed that I truly needed more defiant adventure in my life.

The man who gave it to me intuitively knew something that I did not yet know about myself: I must stray beyond old habits and stravage into territories that I was trained to see as too disruptive, too irresponsible, too risky. Perhaps it’s like a relationship that strays beyond the normal limits for the sake of adventure, health, and love. Or, maybe it’s like straying into the heretical. Sometimes, the greatest philosophical and spiritual insights come from such forays into the forbidden.

The word stravage, no longer laden with the rage of an oppressed and defiant Scottish people, still represents a powerful compulsion to follow one’s own path with a sense of passion, risk and love.

Wanting More?

A path to healing

Holistic & Spiritual Counseling

Creating Your Authentic Life—With Fullness, Healing & Meaning

I sit in presence with you as you explore your own internal territory, your spiritual geography...who you are — wounds, joys, yearnings — and help you create your authentic life, full of integrity, joy and healing. Open-hearted soul-searching invites you to become deeply vulnerable and compassionate toward yourself and others. Your healing will be a gift for yourself, your relationships and for our beautiful, wounded world.

Dream Work

Your Dreams Are Always On Your Side

In our gentle and deep work together, we will wonder and wander through your dream world and explore the beautiful meanings and healings in your dreams. You'll learn that your dreams are always on your side. They are a limitless inner resource — a library of wisdom! — full of insights, wholeness and healing. Your dreams are an adventure into your creative heart. Of course, I always honor "dreamer's choice" so there's never any pressure.

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Holistic, Spiritual Counselor &
Dream Work