Explore Projective Dream Work

Healing Dreams Podcast

Healing Dreams Project Podcast Logo

Dream Hotline: 1-720-573-9195

We have a Dream Hotline available to you to call in with a “dream snippet” and record your dream or question. We will seek to explore your dream on a future podcast! Please note this is a secure landline and it may take about five rings before the voicemail picks up and you have about 2 1/2 minutes to leave your message.

Health and Wholeness

A Podcast that Explores Projective Dream Work

Every week you are invited to listen to or watch our podcast as we – and you! – experience first hand the creativity, insight and astounding wisdom of our Dreams.
Billie Ortiz, Vivianna Guzman and Royce Fitts dive deeply into our two million year old resource of dreaming and explore how every nighttime dream seeks to lead us toward greater health, healing and wholeness. From the symbolic and ancient perspectives of the meanings of dreams to modern psychological and scientific approaches and on to your and our projections on what dreams mean in the here and now – and how dreams always “are on our side”, no matter the dream. Dreams seek to support us, individually and collectively, for our lives sake, and for the sake of every living being.

Latest Episode

Episode Highlight

Royce Fitts Book Interview
"Geography of the Soul"

Viviana Interviews Dr. Royce Fitts about his new book release, “Geography of the Soul” – available now on Amazon and wherever books are sold!

All Healing Dreams Episodes

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Podcast Curators

Meet the team behind the podcast

Dr. Royce Fitts, Spiritual Counselor and Dream Worker

Royce Fitts

Royce Fitts is a Spiritual Counselor, DreamWorker, and ordained minister with decades of experience as a clinical psychotherapist. He helps healers deepen their own healing process and, in turn, do the work of caring for others. He understands the answers we seek are found through our individual expressions of spirituality and in the unconscious processes that come through the gifts of our nighttime dreams.

Billie Ortiz, Healing Dreams Project Podcast

Billie Ortiz

Billie Ortiz, certified dreamworker, has over two decades of experience creating and facilitating dream groups, workshops and retreats. Her appreciation of metaphor and symbol expands her work to the realm of myth and fairy tale, helping guide dreamers to a deeper understanding of the profound archetypal messages of their dreams.

Viviana Guzman

Viviana Guzman

Viviana Guzman is described by the New York Times as “an imaginative artist,” Chilean-born flutist, Viviana Guzman received a GRAMMY Nomination for her classical album and her world music recording received a Global Music Awards Gold Medal. Currently, Viviana teaches at the University of California, Santa Cruz.

Holistic, Spiritual Counselor &
Dream Work